VV or Football Flanders

VV takes care of clubs located in Dutch-speaking Belgium
To ensure optimal management of the numerous clubs present in Belgium, the Belgian Football Union has decided to entrust Voetbal Vlanderen with the administration of the various clubs established in the Dutch-speaking part of the country. The association is also responsible for organizing various competitions or local events (more or less large) in order to allow football fans to live their passion in optimal conditions.
Each province has a VV entity
In order to ensure the perfect organization of local football competitions and other events related to football played in the Dutch-speaking area of the country, the Voetbal Vlaanderen benefits from provincial entities in order to be as close as possible to football fans. Antwerp, Flemish Brabant, West Flanders, East Flanders and Limburg are thus represented within Voetbal Vlaanderen.
The many activities of Voetbal Vlaanderen
Besides football as many people imagine, Voetbal Vlaanderen is also responsible for the good management of football in schools, women's football, football coaches, coaching in the many clubs in Flanders, etc. The association thus allows as many people as possible to practice the most popular sport in the country while respecting clear rules and offering numerous competitive and sporting possibilities.
Voetbal Vlaanderen Provinces
These provinces are administered by Voetbal Vlaanderen, the Dutch-speaking wing of Belgian amateur football.
Senior Regional Manager: Carl Coopmans
Regional Manager: Peter Croes
Address: Brieleke 18, 2160 Wommelgem
Clubs telephone: +32 3 233 44 66
Opening hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Brabant Voetbal Vlaanderen
Secretary: Jurgen De Bondt
Address: Sluisweg 1 (Blue Towers), 9000 Gent
Clubs telephone: +32 9 225 19 73
Opening hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
West Flanders
Senior Regional Manager: Bart Huylebroeck
Regional Manager: Nancy Deslypere
Address: Sluisweg 1 (Blue Towers), 9000 Gent
Clubs telephone: +32 9 225 19 73
Fax: +32 9 223 18 17
Opening hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
East Flanders
Senior Regional Manager: Bart Huylebroeck
Address: Sluisweg 1, 9000 Gent (Blue Tower 1)
Clubs telephone: +32 9 225 19 73
Opening hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Senior Regional Manager: Carl Coopmans
Address: Boekstraat 130, 3500 Hasselt
Clubs telephone: +32 11 28 16 30
Opening hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
VV General Assembly
The general assembly has 25 people. Here is the list of 2020 representatives:
- Peter Bosmans
- Paul Brams
- Jan Brouwers
- Paul De Clippeleir
- Berly De Cock
- Hubert De Neef
- Wim Fonteyn
- Ivo Geboes
- Marco Hamal
- Jean Hermans
- Robert Huygens
- Walter Lava
- Jean-Pierre Notelteirs
- Willy Ozeel
- Jozef Proost
- Marc Ronse
- Gerda Swaelen
- Gilbert Timmermans
- Marc Van Craen
- Willy Van Leirberghe
- Jan Van Onsem
- Karel Vanwesenbeeck
- Roger Vercarre
- Luc Verdood
- Christophe Vertessen
Official website: www.voetbalvlaanderen.be